Along with high-quality education, we value hands-on training. 

That's where Heartland's tracks come in. Heartland tracks help bridge the gap between what you learn in the classroom and what you experience in real life. During your time at Heartland, you will have the opportunity to choose between kids or youth track and creative or missions track.

Tracks meet once or more a week and are led by River of Life staff. Tracks offer practical hands-on experience, mentorship, field trips, and skill development. To learn more about the tracks we offer, see below.

"I really have enjoyed the hands-on experience at Heartland because you are taken out of your comfort zone. I've been able to lead a small group, have had opportunities to speak and to pour into youth students, and been able to grow closer to Jesus during that time. It has given me different perspectives on how to do ministry and life with Jesus." 

- Izaak Schultz, Youth & Missions Track

Kids track

Students in the kids track will work closely with our kids pastor Mark Eskew to learn the ins-and-outs of developing and running a rural kids ministry. Students are involved in teaching kids from birth to 5th grade. This includes:

  • learning how to plan kids lessons utilizing characters and object lessons
  • technical experience
  • creating set designs
  • leading interactive worship experiences
  • facilitating life groups

youth track

Students work closely with our youth pastors Kyle Curran and Dillon Patterson to learn how to creatively do effective rural youth ministry. Students will work with youth from 6th-12th grade. This includes:

  • service planning meetings
  • leadership team involvement
  • production
  • hospitality
  • media creation
  • life groups
  • worship (if desired)
  • set design
  • speaking opportunities

creative track

The creative track is split into three departments—worship arts (Derrick Benoit), production (Andy Norris), and marketing (Hannah Eilers). Students will get an overview of each creative department before choosing a specific one. Depending on their specialized department, this track will include:

  • service production
  • graphic design
  • photography
  • audio/visual tech skills
  • live worship
  • brand design

Missions track

Students work closely with our missions director Gabe Thomas to learn the heart of missions and the steps to launch into full-time mission work. This includes:

  • studying world religions
  • taking field trips to various locations
  • learning about the steps to becoming an AGWM missionary
  • preparing for and leading missions trips